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‘7 Money Mistakes Every Outdoor Enthusiast Should Avoid’


Investment management is a critical piece of your plan to help secure your goals and ultimately facilitate your arrival at your desired destination. Choosing an investment strategy and working with a coach whose values and investment strategies are in alignment with your own are a crucial element to your long term success as an investor.

Many advisors use methods that seemingly amount to reading tea leaves or gazing into crystal balls. We believe your financial future is far too important to rely on anything less than utilizing sound Nobel Prize winning academic principles on investing science. We believe gambling should be left in the casino where it belongs – not performed in your portfolio where your financial future is at stake.


At High Mountain Financial Coaching we believe there are essentially two camps when it comes to investing:

  1. The traditional model which seems rife with speculation and predictions about the future:

What stocks should I own? What mutual fund managers will outperform the market? What way is the market headed? Should I be more aggressive right now? Should I be more conservative right now? Should I buy gold? Should I put my money in cryptocurrency? Should I sell everything and go to cash? Should I, should I, should I???

  1. A model that replaces guessing about the future, stock-picking, and attempting to time the market with building a portfolio based on 60 years of Nobel Prize winning academic research and principles.

We believe investors are better served with the second option.


How do academic investing principles apply to building a portfolio?

The methodology we use gives our clients a clear-cut path, eliminating the guess work from the investing process. We lean on these 3 academic principles put forth by Nobel Prize winning luminaries at the top of the field of investing:

1. Efficient Market Hypothesis

2. Modern Portfolio Theory

3. The Three Factor Model

Together these concepts form a powerful, disciplined and diversified approach to investing. The result is globally diversified portfolios with broad-based diversification, designed and engineered to capture market rates of return.


Choosing an investment strategy is the first part of the equation. The second part, and arguably more important, is managing behavior. As human beings our emotions and biases can derail the investing process, so a system is necessary to protect our portfolios from our own instincts. Knowledge is power – and the key to disciplined investing lies in both education and coaching.

“Advisors can create the best portfolios in the world, but they won’t really matter if the clients don’t stay in them.”

– Dr. Harry Markowitz, Nobel Prize Winner

We host quarterly coaching and educational workshops & special events for our clients throughout the year. Unlike much of the industry who profit from keeping investors in the dark – we believe you should know what is going on with your investments. As a client you are invited and encouraged to attend these webinars specifically designed to enhance your investing experience.

Coaching can help you powerfully gain more clarity, confidence and peace of mind surrounding your investments, and ultimately – your life.

Come join us for one of out webinars. Click the button below to see what events we have upcoming. We would love to meet you!


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